Special Sessions
Call for Special Sessions MIR 2006
ACM Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR) workshop 2006 will include two special sessions into the program. Work included in special sessions are expected to represent the state-of-the-art and important research directions in multimedia information retrieval.
Each special session will contain 5 invited papers. The session organizer will be responsible to the selection of these papers. The session can begin with an overview paper on the topic being addressed and will continue with the remaining papers on technical contributions on the topic.
The following information should be included in the session proposal:
- Title of the proposed session
- Names/affiliation of organizer(s) (including brief bio and contact info)
- Session abstract (state significance of topic and rationale for proposed session)
- List of invited contributions, each with
- Author names
- A tentative title
- A 700-to-1000-word abstract
Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and relevance to MIR, as well as the qualifications of the organizers and quality of papers in the proposed session. Please note that all proposals will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field to ensure that contributions are of highest quality. If a proposal is not accepted, papers in that proposal can still be submitted to the regular session by the deadline of 5 July 2006.
The organizers of an accepted special session will be responsible for the quality of the final papers included in the session.
Important Dates
1 May 2006: Special session proposals due
15 May 2006: Decisions made on special session proposals
1 July 2006: Submission of manuscripts to the chair of the special sessions
15 July 2006: Feedbacks on the manuscripts provided by the chair
Augist 5 2006: Final camera-ready manuscripts due
Submission Procedure for Special Sessions
Proposal adhering to the above requirements should be sent by email to Nicu Sebe (nicu at science.uva.nl). All the papers in the special sessions should follow the same style as the regular MIR papers. More details on http://riemann.ist.psu.edu/mir2006/
Nicu Sebe
University of Amsterdam
(Office) +31-20-5257552
(Fax) +31-20-5257490
(email) nicu AT science.uva.nl
(Web) http://www.science.uva.nl/~nicu