Call for Papers (Other formats: WORD, PDF)
Indexing and retrieval of large quantity of multimedia data is a highly challenging and growingly important research problem for the multimedia research community. Researchers in multimedia, databases, computer vision, machine learning, signal and image processing and statistics have worked on multimedia information retrieval for over a decade. A number of significant technological advances have been achieved in this field. Some of the techniques have been applied to real-world application areas such as art image retrieval, biomedical image and video retrieval, education, sensor networks, large-scale online personal and professional photo sharing communities, classification and filtering of images on the Web, scientific content (remote sensing and biodiversity), computer forensics, threat assessment and security applications more generally. We envision more and more real-world applications of multimedia information retrieval to appear in the coming years. In this workshop, we will bring together active researchers, developers, and practitioners from both academia and the industry to showcase latest technological advances and to discuss future possibilities.
We are soliciting high-quality submissions that:
- present novel and fresh ideas
- question existing paradigms
- introduce brave new research directions
in the following (and other related) Topics of Interest:
- Content-based indexing, search, and retrieval of multimedia data
- Image, video, audio and 3D models similarity measures
- Summarization and visualization of multimedia data sets
- Indexing and retrieval of streaming audio and video
- Semantic content analysis, classification and annotation, representation and modeling
- Learning and relevance feedback in multimedia retrieval
- User perspectives and user modeling
- Intelligent agents for multimedia indexing and retrieval
- Multimedia query languages, query processing and optimization
- Media mining from semi-structured data (image, 3D models, audio, video and documents)
- Efficient and scalable storage and search techniques
- High performance algorithms for distributed multimedia repositories access
- Tools, benchmarks, and standards
- Emerging query and retrieval models: beyond client and server
- Human computer interaction for multimedia information retrieval systems
- Applications of multimedia information retrieval in the following fields (but not limited to): art and cultural heritages, 3-D imagery, computer security, sports video, surveillance and forensics, medical and health care imagery.
Important Dates:
June 22, 2007: Submission deadline
July 9, 2007: Notification of acceptance
July 15, 2007: Camera-ready full paper
The papers should be submitted online. Each paper should be no more than 10 pages prepared in the ACM style and written in acceptable English. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. The workshop proceedings will be printed by ACM and indexed in the ACM Digital Library. A paper submitted to MIR should not have significant overlap with other papers currently being reviewed, accepted, or published by other conferences, workshops, or journals.
Technical Program Committee chairs:Workshop organizing chairs:
Alberto Del Bimbo
Dipartimento Sistemi e Informatica
University of Florence
Via S. Marta 3, 50139 Firenze, Italy
(Office) +39-055-4796262
(Fax) +39-055-4796363
(email) delbimbo AT dsi DOT unifi DOT it
(Web) http://www.dsi.unifi.it/~delbimbo        Jia Li
Department of Statistics & (by courtesy) CSE
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802, USA
(Office) +1-814-863-3074
(Fax) +1-814-863-7114
(email) jiali AT psu DOT edu
(Web) http://www.stat.psu.edu/~jiali
James Z. Wang
The Pennsylvania State University, USA
(Web) http://wang.ist.psu.edu        Nozha Boujemaa
INRIA Rocquencourt, France
(Web) http://www-rocq.inria.fr/~boujemaa